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Our Services

Skin infections are the common dermatological diseases caused by various bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. These are seen in all age groups but more common in children and people with decreased immunity. Skin infections are contagious and may spread to other areas on your body and to your family members and peers. They have different clinical presentations. If diagnosed and treated appropriately these infections resolves completely.

Many skin diseases present with symptoms like itching, burning sensation, redness, scaling, blistering. These diseases are called inflammatory skin diseases and can occur due to multiple factors like dry nature of skin, exposure to allergic substance, sun allergy, autoimmune conditions, medicine intake and others. Common inflammatory diseases include Psoriasis, Eczema, Atopic dermatitis, Allergic contact dermatitis, photoallergic reactions, drug reactions, cutaneous vasculitis, connective tissue disease and vesiculobullous diseases. Appropriate diagnosis by Clinical examination, Dermoscopy, Skin biopsy(whenever required) and laboratory tests is must to achieve good control and sometime complete resolution of these diseases.

Dermatological diseases in children can pose challenge in the diagnosis and management. Physiological changes in the skin and hair are common and often considered as problem or diseases by the parents. Most of the time these changes resolve on its own and just need counselling of parents and proper care. Skin infections, inflammatory and pigmentary diseases are the common skin diseases in children.
Pediatric Dermatology

Acne Vulgaris, commonly known as Pimples, is usually seen in adolescents and young adults. It is more frequently seen on face but can be present on chest, back and shoulders. Hormonal surge around puberty, unhealthy high calorie diet can be common factors responsible. Certain drugs can also be responsible for acne. If persistent, underlying hormonal imbalance (PCOD in females) should be rules out. Mild grade of acne can be treated with topical medications and dietary modifications. Moderate grade and severe grade acne (large painful pimples) may be associated with squeal like pigmentations (dark spots) and scars and hence need oral treatment in addition. If treated early the incidence of dark spots and scars can be reduced significantly.


Acne Vulgaris Pimples 1      Acne Vulgaris Pimples 2      Acne Vulgaris Pimples 3      Acne Vulgaris Pimples 4     


Treatment of acne
  • Medical treatment
  • Peels: salicylic Mandelic peel, glycolic acid peel, yellow peel
  • Lasers: Q switch Nd: YAG laser,
  • Acne pigmentation & scars: Peels (CROS TCA), Q switch Nd: YAG laser, Fractional Co2 laser, Microneedling & Microneedling Radiofrequency, Platelet rich plasma therapy

Hyperpigmentation or darkness of skin commonly known as pigmentation. It can be due to multiple factors. Pre-existing skin conditions can heal with darkness. Sun exposure, hormonal factors, autoimmune conditions, medications and use of cosmetic products can be other factors responsible for tis causation. Common Pigmentation disorders include post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, Melasma, pigmented contact dermatitis, lichen planus pigmentosus and drug induced.

Pigmentation Disorder - Dark Circles
Pigmentation Disorder 2
Pigmentation Disorder 3

Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after an injury. Development of particular type of scar depends upon the depth and size of the wound or cut and the location of the injury. Inflammatory skin diseases like acne can also lead to scar formation after resolution of acne. (Acne scars) Sometimes at the site of operation or following an injury people can get elevated scars (hypertrophic scars or keloids). Similar scars can also occur following a burn injury. Scars are usually asymptomatic and need corrections if they are present on exposed parts causing cosmetic concerns. Keloid and hypertrophic scars can be symptomatic and associated with pain, itching, tightness, burning sensation. Treatment Acne scars : CROS TCA peel, Subcision, Microneedling, Fractional Carbon dioxide Laser, Microneedling RF, platelet rich plasma therapy(PRP) Keloid & Hypertrophic scars: Fractional Carbon dioxide Laser, intralesional injections of triamcinolone and anti-fibrotic agents. Atrophic scars: Subcision, dermal grafts and fat transplant, scar revision surgeries ( Scar excision and revision by simple closure, Z plasty & W plasty)
Acne Scars 1      Acne Scars 2      Acne Scars 3     

Skin aging can appear as fine lines, wrinkles, loss of volume and a loss of elasticity leading to lax and sagging skin. Skin aging may be accelerated by external factors like unhealthy diet, addictions, exposure to sunlight without use of sunscreen, stress. Age for showing theses may vary from person to person. Skin aging cannot be prevented but definitely slowed down by taking proper care. Adopting healthy life style, diet, proper use of moisturizers and sunscreen can be useful for delaying the signs. Existing wrinkles, volume loss and sagging can be corrected to an extent by various procedures. These procedures need to be repeated at intervals to maintain the results achieved. Photos of rejuvenations: RF, CO2 Specialized services: Tripolar Radio-Frequency, Fractional Carbon dioxide Laser, Microneedling Radio-Frequency, Dermaroller, Mesotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP), Botox, fillers, Non-surgical face lift/ Thread-lift




  • Medical treatment
  • Peels: salicylic Mandelic peel, glycolic acid peel, yellow peel Trichloroacetic acid peel
  • Lasers: Q switch Nd: YAG laser (532nm, 1064 nm), Fractional Co2 laser

Freckles, moles or skin tags are seen as dark coloured flat or raised spots on the face and neck. If multiple they give uneven complexion and cosmetic disfigurement. Sun exposure is a major factor responsible, apart from that obesity, familial predisposition, weight gain can be responsible. Removal by ablative Carbon dioxide Laser, Q switch Nd: YAG laser, Radiofrequency, Electrocautery can remove this blemishes and spots. Prevention can be achieved by regular use of sunscreen and changes in diet.
Compound Nevus Removal 1      Compound Nevus Removal By Laser     

Dark circles also known as Periorbital hypermelanosis, can appear due to multiple factors like dry skin diseases (atopic dermatitis), unhealthy dietary habits and addictions, improper drainage of blood vessels around eye area, shadowing effect of orbital bones, familial predisposition, eye strain, refractory errors. Mild treatment options should be used to avoid further worsening of darkness and gradual improvement in pre-existing darkness. Specialized services: Medical treatment, Microdermabrasion, Chemical peels, Q-switch Nd: YAG laser

Submental fullness is also known as, “a double chin.” There are various methods of getting rid of double, Surgical and non-surgical Surgical : Liposuction is a one-time treatment it is associated with the bleeding, pain, infection and other potential adverse outcomes that occur with surgery. Most surgeons will recommend patients take a few days off after the procedure to recover. A compression bandage is usually worn around the neck for 5-7 days to help decease swelling.

Non-surgical methods include

  • Injections of deoxycholic acid i.e. a new fat-dissolving, injectable drug. It causes destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After reaching the desired aesthetic of the patient, further treatment is not expected. One of the biggest advantages of this procedure is there is very little to no downtime after the injection. Most patients can return to their daily activity level following the treatment. Mild bruising and swelling is seen after procedure. It can be done without the need for anaesthesia. Fat reduction occurs over a series of treatments. Patients may require 5-6 treatments which are spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
  • Cryolipolysis:It selectively destroys fat cells with controlled cold exposure to effect a gradual reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer.Sequential treatments in the central submental area shows visible fat reduction
  • RF-assisted contouring: Radiofrequency (RF) technology causes deep heating to adipose tissue for body sculpting and fat reduction. It has been used in Submental fat reduction. The submental circumference and thickness show significant reduction after treatments. Treatment needs to repeated at frequent intervals to achieve the desired results. Procedure is very comfortable, pain free with no significant adverse effects.
  • Combination treatments: above mentioned modalities can be combined to achieve desired effect.

The purpose of laser hair removal is to diminish or remove unwanted hair. Almost all body areas can be treated. Various light devices like lasers & IPL system can be used for this purpose. Diode laser is the gold standard laser used for hair removal. This procedure requires more than one treatment session. Most clients will need between 8 – 12 sessions. The total number of treatment sessions may vary among individuals. On rare occasion there may be a client that does not respond to treatment. Possible side effects which include short term effects like redness, swelling, bumps, mild burning, temporary bruising or blistering. Hyper pigmentation (browning of skin) and Hypo pigmentation (lightening of skin), although rare, may occur. These conditions are transient and treatable. Avoiding sun exposure before and after treatment reduces the risk of color change. Infection following treatment is quite unusual, but bacterial and viral infections can occur. Especially those with history Herpes simplex virus infections around the mouth will require prophylactic treatment. At innovation we use Globally Recognized Gold Standard Laser Hair Removal Technology (US FDA approved), LightSheer is the most popular permanent hair reduction system in the world. (for details click https://lumenis.com/aesthetics/products/lightsheer-desire-legacy/ )
Laser Hair Removal 1       Laser Hair Removal 2       Laser Hair Removal 3       Laser Hair Removal 4
Laser Hair Removal 5       Laser Hair Reduction Treatment 6    

Laser skin resurfacing is done with a High power Fractional CO2 laser alone or in combination with Microneedling Radiofrequency. The benefits of combining a fractional CO2 laser with micro-needle fractional RF allows the treatment of all skin types and provides the ability to treat a large range of medical and cosmetic indications. Both superficial and deep stimulation is achieved in one device, increasing effectiveness and reducing side effects. Maximum Efficacy and Safety : Through dual energies and various modes, it enables doctors to easily select the most effective treatment depending on the indication and the patient’s skin type. Safety and comfort is maximized by delivering energy to the target skin layer without damaging the surrounding tissue.
Skin Surfacing


Additional Advantages


  • Improvement in Skin Tone & Texture
  • Pore size reduction
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Lifting & Tightening of the skin
  • Full Resurfacing of the face
  • Improvement in Complexion

Stretch marks or Striae are caused due to progressive & continuous stretching which leads to dermal and epidermal tearing. Striae affect women more commonly than men It can be seen usually on the abdomen, thighs, breast, hips, shoulders, calf region
Fractional Co2 laser shows remarkable improvement in stretch marks. Combining treatment with Microneedling RF and tripolar RF therapy leads to additional tightening of the lax skin.


Common causes include


  • Pregnancy – abdomen & breasts
  • Body builders- shoulders
  • Puberty – growth spurt
  • Rapid weight gain or weight loss
  • Prolonged use of topical corticosteroids, Cushing’s syndrome
  • Genetic factors


Lasers For Stretch Marks

A scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars result from the biological process of wound repair in the skin, as well as in other organs and tissues of the body. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process. There are different types of Scars
  • Acne Scars: usually seen as a consequence of inflammatory acne lesions. Scars caused by acne can be pitted, rolling or boxcar scar. All these scars can be treated by combination of procedures like Subcision, CROS TCA, Microneedling, Microneedling Radiofrequency,Fractional carbon dioxide laser, Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP)
  • Traumatic Scars: usually follow an accidental trauma, deep cuts and injuries which are not sutured appropriately. These scars can be treated by procedures like Subcision, Microneedling, Microneedling Radiofrequency, Fractional carbon dioxide laser, Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP)
  • Keloids & Hypertrophic Scars: abnormal wound healing responses seen at the site of previous injury, surgery or inflammatory disease. Hypertrophic scars are usually localized to area of injury wjile keloids extend irregularly beyond the injury site. Both the conditions can be associated with itching, pain, stretching sensations.Keloid is more commonly associated with these symptoms.Both can be effectively treated with fractional carbon dioxide laser followed by intralesional injections.
  • Burn scars: Burns scars can cause contractures and can affect the mobility if they occur over joints. Fractional carbon dioxide laser therapy improves the texture of the thick scars and improve the mobility. Increased hyperpigmentation and textural changes in the burn scars can also be gradually corrected to certain extent by peels.

Lasers for Scars 1       Lasers for Scars 2       Lasers for Scars       Lasers for  Scars 4        Lasers For Scars 5

Tattoos can be amateur, professional, cosmetic, medicinal, and traumatic. Amateur tattoos require less treatment sessions than professional multi-colored tattoos. Other factors to consider when evaluating tattoos for removal are: location, age and the skin type of the patient. Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam. Black tattoo pigment absorbs all laser wavelengths, making it the easiest color to treat. Other colors can only be treated by selected lasers based upon the pigment color. New advances in Q-switched laser technology, tattoo removal can be achieved with minimal risk of scarring. The Q-switched 532 nm Nd:YAG laser can be used to remove red and yellow pigments and the 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser is used for removal of black, green and blue pigments. If done by a trained dermatologist, complications are infrequent.
Lasers For Tattoo

Radiofrequency is an electromagnetic wave that is extensively used for body contouring, skin tightening and cellulite reduction. RF is a safe and relatively effective method for improving skin appearance and decreasing subcutaneous fat, especially in the abdomen and thighs.
Radiofrequency is commonly used for increasing deeper skin temperature without damaging epidermis & dermis. It is not only used as an efficient method for contracting or inducing skin tightening but also as an effective method for reducing fat in repetition.

It is commonly used for treatment of

  • Double Chin and Facial Tightening
  • Tummy Fat and Love handles
  • Arm Fat
  • Thigh Fat
  • Bra Fat
  • Buttock Fat
  • Loose skin/tummy after childbirth & Stretch Marks : Radiofrequency technology, a non-surgical skin tightening procedure which works by stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin in the skin, restoring lost elasticity and vitality. It can be combined with fractional carbon dioxide laser or Microneedling radiofrequency.
Fat Reduction 1
Fat Reduction 2
Fat Reduction 3
Fat Reduction 4

Injections of Deoxycholic acid can be used to get rid of stubborn fat over certain body areas. It has to be performed in sessions to achieve the desired results. It can be used in combination of Tripolar radiofrequency.

Microneedling Radio Frequency (RF) devices use specially insulated needles that penetrate through the skin and deliver high-intensity radio frequency energy into the targeted tissue. As a result, there is uniform warming effect on the deep tissue, that causes stimulation new collagen fibers resulting in significant improvement to skin quality and texture.
It is commonly used for the treatment of fine lines, enlarged pores, wrinkles, acne scars, skin tightening and stretch marks. It encourages collagen growth and tissue tightening at a required level in the skin. The procedure has little to no downtime. Usually the procedure is well tolerated and performed under topical anaesthesia. It greatly improves wrinkling, scars, and skin laxity.

Management of acne scars varies depending upon the types of scars. Certain scars require surgeries like Subcision, Punch elevation and Punch excision. These surgeries if done appropriately for certain types of scars improves the outcome of less invasive procedures like Microneedling, Microneedling Radiofrequency and Lasers.
Acne Scar Surgeries 1      Acne Scar Surgeries 1      Acne Scar Surgeries 1     

Vitiligo (white spot disease), when stable can be manged by surgical treatment to give good colour match. Different types of surgeries are available for the treatment which includes dermabrasion, mini- punch grafting, Split thickness grafting, suction blister grafting and non-culture melanocyte transfer. Depending upon the site of the disease and size of the patches surgery can be selected. These surgeries can be combined or performed in two- three sessions to achieve optimum results.


Vitiligo Surgery 1      Vitiligo Surgery 2     Vitiligo surgery 3      Vitiligo Surgery 4      Vitiligo Surgery 5      Vitiligo Surgery 6

Earlobe keloids are commonly encountered in this era of body piercing. Traditionally, they have been treated in a similar manner as to keloids elsewhere on the body with recurrences and disappointing results. Earlobe keloids are aesthetically unacceptable and are frustrating for patients. Debulking surgeries to reduce the central hard core of the keloid or fillet flap surgery gives excellent cosmetic result without any ear lobe deformity
Ear Lobe Keloid Surgery 1 Front      Ear Lobe Keloid Surgery 1 Rear      Ear Lobe Keloid Surgery 2

A scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars result from the biological process of wound repair in the skin, as well as in other organs and tissues of the body. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process. There are different types of Scars Over time, the hole of an ear piercing can become stretched out, elongated, or completely torn. This can be a result of trauma, wearing heavy earrings, or purposely stretching your earlobes with gauges. A quick and easy outpatient procedure will return your earlobes to their desired appearance. Smaller defects can be corrected without sutures while bigger defects require surgical correction to avoid recurrences.
Ear-Lobe Repair 1      Ear-Lobe Repair 2      Ear-Lobe Repair 3

Nail is a special anatomical structure. Surgical treatment is required for nail diseases like ingrown nails, retronychia, accidental damage to nail plate, nail deformities, subungual hematoma, benign and malignant nail tumours. Inappropriate handling of delicate structures like nail matrix can lead to permanent nail deformity hence specialized surgeries are done to maintain the optimum function and appearance of nail unit.
Nail Ingrown Toenail Removal       Nail Tumor 1       Nail Tumor 2       Nail Tumor 3       Nail Tumor 4       Nail Tumor 5      

Warts, corns, seborrheic Keratoses, Actinic keratoses, Moles, Skin tags and DPNS can be removed by radiofrequency, electrocautery or lasers with minimum or no scarring. Lipoma and sebaceous or epidermoid cysts needs surgical excision. While malignant tumours require surgical excision. Follow up is important part of treatment to detect early recurrences if any.
Surgeries For Benign Skin - Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia      Surgeries For Benign Skin - Congenital Melanocytic Nevus      Surgeries For Benign Skin - Hemangioma On Lip      Surgeries For Benign Skin - Lipoma Excision      Surgeries For Benign Skin - Nevus Lipomatosus Superficialis      Surgeries For Benign Skin - Pyogenic granuloma Removal      Surgeries For Benign Skin - Segmental Neurofibroma     


Birth marks are of different types, colours, sizes and consist of different tissues. Some of the small and medium sized birth marks can be removed if they cause cosmetic concern, change colour, rapidly increase in sizes become painful or develop atypical changes on histopathology. Some birth marks like congenital melanocytic Nevus, Nevus sebaceous, verrucous epidermal nevus can be treated surgically or by lasers.


Birth Mark Removal Surgery - Congenital Melanocytic Nevus

Xanthelasma are yellowish plaques that occur most commonly near the inner canthus of the eyelid, more often on the upper lid than the lower lid. It can be removed by radiofrequency, laser ablation and surgical removal.


Xanthelesma      Xanthelesma 2       Xanthelesma 3

Botox injections reduces the appearance of facial wrinkles.They also used treat conditions such as neck spasms (cervical dystonia) & excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

Horizontal forehead lines Frown lines (Glabellar lines) Periorbital lines (Crow’s feet) Nasal rhytides (Bunny lines) Mental crease and dimpled chin Platysmal Neck Band Gummy Smile

Visible signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines on the face can be due to the volume loss. As facial tissues thin out, lines become etched around the nose and mouth and cheeks look a little hollow. Dermal fillers can replace lost volume to help smooth wrinkles, plump the lips, and restore a more youthful appearance. It can be done for multiple indications.

Radio-frequency treatment have been clinically tested and have been proven to tighten the skin resulting in a younger looking skin. With each treatment session with radio-frequency one can expect a smoother, tighter skin. Tripolar Radiofrequency is done once a week treatment for 6 to 8 sessions. RF raises temperature in the skin tissue and causes a contraction of the present collagen. The fibroblasts are activated leading to production of new collagen and elastin. The result is the tightening of the skin.
Microneedling Radiofrequency and Sublative RF are also helpful not only in the tightening of skin but also improves skin texture, scars and pores on the skin.

Fractional CO2 laser treatment is a sophisticated laser skin treatment technique that dramatically improves the overall appearance of skin by reducing the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, and wrinkles on the face; it also improves skin tone, skin color and skin texture. It accomplishes these results with less discomfort and downtime than traditional laser treatments. The most common areas treated with fractional CO2 laser are the face, neck, and hands/arms.

PRP is a natural reservoir of bioactive factors that have profound effects on the health body tissues. The cosmetic use of PRP helps damaged, aging skin to produce new collagen and elastin for a glowing, rejuvenated, and more youthful-looking skin .

A thread lift is a type of procedure wherein temporary sutures are used to produce a subtle but visible "lift" in the skin. Instead of surgical removal of removing the patients loose facial skin it by stitching up portions of it. This has the effect of pulling the skin back slightly and therefore lifting and tightening the face. In addition to being ideal for lifting the skin, threads combat aging in another way: by provoking the bodys "healing response" and causing the body to direct large surges of collagen to treated areas. This is important because of the vital role collagen plays in the aging process.

Hair transplantation (HT) is a surgical modality for the treatment of male and female pattern hair loss, selected cases of scarring alopecia, hair loss due to trauma and some forms of inflammatory hair disorders.

Patients with loss of hair on eyebrows, eyelashes or beard area can undergo hair transplant. This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia where hair follicles from the occipital scalp are harvested and then planted on to the bald areas of the scalp.

There are two techniques of harvesting the follicles from the occipital scalp.

1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), a strip is harvested from the occipital scalp

2. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) in this method individual follicular units are harvested

FUE is preferred over FUT as increased number of grafts are harvestable, bleeding during and after procedure is less, postoperative pain and healing time is less, cosmetic results are excellent in the donor area with no visible scarring.

Patients are advised routine blood investigations prior to surgery. Preoperatively patients are advised to stop minoxidil 2 weeks prior to the procedure as it may increase bleeding, avoid alcohol 2 days before and after the procedure, avoiding smoking, NSAIDs at least 7 days prior to the surgery as these may increase bleeding.

Surgery may require around 4-12 hours.

Postoperatively antibiotics and analgesics are given.

Complications are minimal when performed by a skilled surgical team. Common complications include mild swelling over forehead which usually subsides in 3-4 days and managed with ice compresses. Crusts formed on grafts will shed in approximately 2-3 weeks.

Other rare complications include infection, keloid formation, sterile pustules during 2nd month, delayed hair growth, persistent pain at donor site, telogen effluvium, epidermal cyst and ingrown hair.

The grafted hair will start to grow by 2-4 months of procedure and final result is visible after almost 1 year of surgery. Results vary from person to person and also depends upon the associated illness and expertise of surgeon.

Hair Transplant is an effective, safe, and reliable way for patients distressed by androgenetic alopecia to regain a more youthful and natural appearance of their hair.

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical treatment done by depositing pigment into the dermal layer (papillary dermis) of the scalp to produce natural appearance of hair.

The pigment (alcohol-based tattoo ink) is injected using a tattoo instrument containing fine needles to create the image of pores on a balding scalp (stippling pattern). A skilled practitioner will work to ensure the dots look like a natural hair follicle and blend in seamlessly with your complexion.

SMP is a useful camouflaging tool for both male and female patients with all types of alopecia including scarring and non scarring alopecias, patients unresponsive to minoxidil, patients who do not qualify for hair transplantation, Neurosurgery scars and scars from head trauma, Chemotherapy patients, who do not grow back significant amounts of their hair after treatment and in patients whose hair transplants have failed to achieve the amount of fullness they expected.

Patients are advised to avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin E, Ginkgo biloba, and ginseng 1 week prior to the procedure.

The procedure can be performed with or without using local anaesthesia and the whole area is covered in first sitting and density is increased in subsequent sitting after every 2 weeks. However, there is some discomfort which largely depends on patient’s pain tolerance.

Each treatment typically takes between four and five hours. How many treatments needed will depend on the amount of scalp getting SMP.

Risks include infection and allergies to pigment.  The excess pigment that is deposited on the surface of the skin is washed away off during the first hair wash at 48hours after the procedure. Over a period of 8–10 months, there is slight fading of pigment that might warrant a repeat procedure to reinforce the camouflage.

Patients are advised to dye the hair black on a continuous basis if there are much gray hair. Patients are advised to avoid swimming, steam or sauna bath and sun exposure for one month of treatment.

Usually the life of pigments is 2-3 years but longevity of pigments largely depends on sun exposure and chlorine pool exposure. SMP requires little to no continued maintenance and carries no strict lifestyle restriction.

Hair fall is not a disease but is a sign and symptom of many hair, skin and systemic (internal) diseases. Common hair problems include

  • Diffuse hair loss (Telogen effluvium)
  • Baldness or thinning of hairs (Androgenetic Alopecia)
  • Patchy hair loss (Alopecia areata)
  • Dandruff
  • Grey hairs
  • Scarring alopecia
  • Hair Shaft abnormalities & Genetic Diseases

Severity of these hair diseases can vary. Hence early diagnosis and treatment prevents reduction in hair density and progression of the disease.  

Diagnosis of hair disease can be done by history, clinical examination. Trichoscopy, Trichogram and Scalp biopsy (as per the requirement).

Treatment consist of medicines (oral and local application),


  • Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy:
  • Microneedling
  • Hair Transplantation:
  • Scalp Micropigmentation
  • Microblading for eyebrows

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an emerging modality of treatment with remarkable effects without any adverse effects. PRP is an autologous concentration of platelets in a fraction of plasma. Platelets are the source for growth factors and this is the theoretical basis for its use in alopecia as well as other dermatologic conditions.

PRP is an autologous concentration of platelets in a volume of plasma prepared from patient’s own blood. The desired platelet concentration is 4 to 5 times above the baseline platelet count which is 200,000 cells/uL. Earlier PRP was used extensively in dentistry, orthopedic, and plastic surgery to prevent infection and enhance wound healing. Recently, interest in PRP in dermatologic and aesthetic indications has emerged.

Mechanism of action :

  • PRP releases growth factors and also stimulates molecular signaling pathways.
  • It increases phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and PI3-kinase/Akt signaling pathways that promote hair growth and prevent apoptosis.
  • Main growth factors involved in the establishment of the hair follicle are platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-ß (TGF ß1 and ß2), insulin 1-like growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor.

The procedure is safe and to date there are no side effects reported. There is rare possibility of transmission of infection if done under strict aseptic precautions. Pain during therapy is a limitation.

Microneedling is a minimally invasive dermatological procedure in which fine needles are rolled over the scalp skin to puncture the stratum corneum. This therapy is used to induce collagen formation, neovascularization and growth factor production of treated areas.

It is a novel and safe tool in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia which induces hair regrowth by the following:

  • Release of platelet-derived growth factor and epidermal growth factors are increased through platelet activation and skin wound regeneration mechanism
  • Activation of stem cells in the hair bulge area under wound healing conditions which is caused by a Dermaroller
  • Overexpression of hair growth-related genes, vascular endothelial growth factor

It helps in faster hair re-growth with more improved texture of the hairs when combined with the medical treatment. The treatment is usually well tolerated minimal pain or discomfort during procedure and minimal redness immediately after procedure are the common effects.

Multiple treatment sessions are required for few months for the improvement. If required maintenance treatments may be performed after completion of treatment. The results will vary from person to person. The total number of treatment sessions may vary among individuals. Exact number of sessions cannot be predicted and entirely depends on patient improvement.